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Buffett’s Guide To Find Undervalued Stocks

How did Warren Buffett become too wealthy? Here are 3 main principles that Buffett uses to find undervalued quality stocks.

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Value Investing

Buffett’s core investment philosophy is “Value Investing” that means buying a quality stock at a price lower than its intrinsic or real value. In other words buy at discount.

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Buffett’s Key Rules

In the 1978 Berkshire Hathaway Letter to Shareholders Buffett said, We want the business to be:

1) A business that we Understand 

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Buffett’s Key Rules

2) With favorable LONG TERM PROSPECTS
3) Operated by COMPETENT people
4) Available at an ATTRACTIVE PRICE

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Step 1 Filter Quality Companies

Use any stock screener and filter stocks with these criteria:
* Market Cap = GREATER than $100M
* Price to Earnings (PE) = LESS than 15

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Step 1.1 Filter Quality Companies

* Return on Equity = GREATER than 10%

* Debt to Equity = LESS than 1 (100%)

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Step 2 Check History

Ensure Company has a solid performance track record. Check Financial statements last 10 years and find out every fundamental data that matters.

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Step 2.1 Check History

Observe these points:
* EPS Grow?
* DEBT Shrink?

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Step 3 Company’s Business Model

Understand the company’s business and its revenue model. What product companies sell, how they sell, who to sell - Ask every question about business.

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Step 3.1 Company’s Business Model

1) How Company MAKE MONEY?
2) What PRODUCT they offer?
3) Key COSTS?
4) Who are the CUSTOMERS?

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