Is BBBY Ready for Another Meme Stock Rally

Strategic Update

On August 31, The Bed Bath & Beyond corporation will present a strategic update about the future plans. Here are the key points you should watch

In the first half of august, the stock rallied almost 500% and made a high of $30. Thereafter it crashed to $8.5 (70% from the top)

$68.1 Million U-Turn

The fall was triggered by negative news of Ryan Cohen's sell of the stack in BBBY which made a profit of $68.1 million.

Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) will experience an EBITDA loss of $212 million and negative free cash flow in 2022. (Morgan Stanley)

Morgan Stanley

Cash Crunch

The BBBY Investor will closely observe the new $400 million loan deal with Sixth Street Partners, It will help the company to get out of the Cash Crunch.

BBBY may give an updates on CEO Mark Tritton and their plans for company stability and growth.

Q4 Results

Investors also focusing on the Q4 (Holiday Season) earnings which may be a game changer for the company and its deals.

Supply Chain Issue

CEO said out-of-stock merchandise caused the company to miss out around $175 million in fiscal Q4 2021 sales.

BBBY Ready for Rally?

The Company facing difficulties in recent times. The stock could see a strong rally only if Management shows promising plans for future turnaround. 

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